Acoustic lagging and thermal lagging play crucial roles in the proper functioning and comfort of buildings. Let's explore what it would be like if pipes in buildings did not use these types of lagging.
What would it be like without it?
Acura Sound Lagging
Without Acoustic Lagging:
Acoustic lagging, also known as acoustic insulation or pipe insulation, is used to reduce the transmission of sound from pipes. Pipes carrying fluids can generate noise due to the flow of liquids or gases, which can then travel through the pipe walls and be transmitted into the surrounding environment. If pipes were not equipped with acoustic lagging:
Noise Pollution: Buildings would experience higher levels of noise pollution due to the sounds generated by flowing fluids within pipes. This could lead to discomfort, annoyance, and potential sleep disturbances for occupants.
Reduced Privacy: Unwanted sounds from pipes could travel between rooms and even between neighboring units, reducing privacy within the building.
Decreased Productivity: In commercial or office spaces, excessive noise from pipes could lead to decreased productivity and hinder concentration.
With Acoustic Lagging:
In contrast, Acura Sound Lagging offers top-notch noise reduction through a dense mass layer for maximum performance. It has high sound absorption, and great acoustics, and comes with a pre-cut, fire-resistant wrap for easy installation.
Just wrap and tape.
• Green Star Rated ASTM D5116-17
• Odour free
• Light weight product
• Contains no ozone depleting substances
• Fire Tested to AS 1530.3 with excellent flame resistance
• Independent Acoustic Test Report 6625-1.3R
• Complies with Building Code of Australia (BCA)
• Pre-cut for effortless installation
21SL4525C-3 / 21SL4525C-3
Acoustic insulation, 1.35 x 3.0, 5kg/m2, Pyrotek, sound lagging.
Acura NBR Insulation
Without Thermal Lagging:
Thermal lagging, is used to prevent heat transfer between pipes and their surroundings. Pipes that transport hot water or steam need insulation to prevent heat loss, and pipes carrying cold fluids require insulation to prevent condensation. Without thermal lagging:
Energy Loss: Hot water or steam pipes would lose heat rapidly to the surrounding environment. This would require more energy to maintain the desired temperature of the fluid, leading to higher energy bills.
Condensation Issues: Cold water pipes could experience condensation due to the temperature difference between the pipe and the surrounding air. This could result in dripping water, which may lead to water damage, mold growth, and potential structural issues.
Inefficient HVAC Systems: Uninsulated pipes would affect the overall efficiency of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, as heat loss or gain within the pipes would alter the temperature of the fluids being transported.
Comfort Issues: Buildings may experience uneven temperature distribution, as uninsulated pipes could alter the temperature of adjacent areas. This could lead to discomfort for occupants and difficulty maintaining a consistent indoor climate.
With Thermal Lagging:
Acura NBR Insulation is designed to help prevent all of the issues mentioned above thanks to it's flexible closed-cell elastomeric foam, making it perfectly suitable for condensation control, thermal insulation and also sound absorption.
The NBR range covers the majority of pipe sizes used in every possible installation.
Thermal insulation solution for your projects.
• Quick and easy to install
• Covers the majority of pipe sizes used in every possible installation
• Also has sound absorption qualities
• NBR is rated AS 1530.3 for spread of flame and fire propagation
NBR Insulation 9, 13, 19, 25 and 32mm wall thickness and 2m length.