We’ve been extremely busy behind the scenes over the last few months and are launching an all-new brand for ACURA Group! This reflects a move into the future and coincides with an expanding range and expanding footprint.
New look & feel
You will start to see the new look & feel come through in our communication such as emails, invoices, merchandise, biscuits and packaging. This will be a gradual roll-out over the coming weeks. The new logo, tagline and colour palette are all adding to a modernised and more contemporary look. The folded A in our new logo represents ACURA Group forming a strong partnership with our customers in the construction industry; we’re here to support you and back you up.
New website being rolled out in two phases
You have seen our new website roll out in adapting the new look of the brand and presenting you with improved user experience. In a second phase roll-out, a you will find our entire product catalogue added to the site, allowing you to place quote requests and orders straight off your cart on the website.
A lot is new; however, one thing remains unchanged: our commitment to serving you in an outstanding and uncommon way. The ACURA way!